Sunday, January 12, 2014

Cabbage Leaves

If you are a fan of grape leaves,you should try stuffed cabbage leaves.


  • 1 head of large cabbage.
  • 1/2 kg lean ground beef.
  • 1/2 kg washed rice.
  • 2 heads of peeled garlic.
  • 1 teaspoon of pepper.
  • 1/2 cup of olive oil.
  • salt to taste.


  1. Peel and discard the outer leaves of cabbage.
  2. Separate the leaves by a knife, leaf by leaf.
  3. Place the leaves in a saucepan of boilng water for 10 minutes.
  4. Try to roll a leaf to see if it is soft.If tearing or breaking ,cook for another 5 minutes.
  5. Place each leaf separately on a cutting board, cut the stem if it is too thick.
  6. Mix the groud beef with rice,pepper and salt.(Filling)
  7. Spread 1-2 tablepoon of filling along the edge of leaf, then roll it slowly over the filling all the way.
  8. Scroll all the leaves and place them in a pan one by one.
  9. Place the garlic between the layers of cabbage.
  10. Add water and olive oil.
  11. Tilt the pan gently from side to side a few times to ensure that the water drains into the bottom of pan.
  12. Place a heay plate upon cabbage,cover the pan and turn the stove on high heat for 5-10 minutes ,until boil ,then turn heat very low and simmer gently for 1 hour until cabbage is fully cooked .
  13. Serve with a side of yogurt and a squeeze of lemon juice . 

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